Sunday 17 September 2017

Making our fireplace with built in cabinets Part 2

Welcome back!! Hope you found Part 1 helpful :) wasn't very descriptive but pictures speak a thousand words..... some times :)

Before we started cutting the craftwood for the sides, as you can see below i have drawn how it will look on the fibro so Matt could see what I had envisioned.

Close up 👇

 we first cut out the sides and the backing for the first pillar or what ever you call it with at 45 cut on the outer side for nice finish, also adding a batten to fix too.

Really its all about making strips and boxes easy to do but time consuming.

The stone we used was ceaserstone not sure which stone it is because we just found an off cut at our local stone place and it only cost $150 !! woo hoo
Its an off white colour with grey veins through it! looks really nice.

sides are half done and now putting top strip on.

We made our own moulding because to get it made would cost a fortune :) 

We made wedges to brad and glue the moulding too & top sides are being put on.

Moulding close up.

To tell you the truth this moulding was a pain in the butt! But we worked it out in the end.... just took alot of swear worlds and sweat.

Making the V board

We were going to buy the pre made board you can get from Bunnings but it had to be ordered in so I said to Matt we have spare sheets of craft wood lets just try and make it. I started by marking out the spaces and then Matt routered a v grove in..... the first attempt was to deep but we turned the board over and started again.... 2nd time worked a charm.

And money saving!!!! WIN WIN

Volia!! Hand made V grove 😜

V grove board is up. Matt measured wrong and we had to make another piece up to fit but you can't even tell :)

Fireplace styling..... I couldn't resist :)

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