Sunday 8 October 2017


This week has been full on and has gone so fast. My husband had the week off work because we were thinking of going camping but, it was suppose to rain so we decided not to go and though we'd get things
finished off at home! We finished the retaining wall, painted the fence, pulled out a big orange tree which was covered in thousands of stink bugs, re roofed the back part of the house and the deck.
Here's what we got up to!
We have built planter boxes/retaining wall close to the deck to create a boarder. The old stone retaining wall behind is coming in a little so by adding this wall in front it will keep it in place. 

Our little helper for the day.

It's been filled with Agline pipe, gravel, weed mat and dirt on top. 

Lets talk about the ugly fence! It's disgusting, cracked, bright white and asbestos so would cost a fortune to remove so Matt came up with a great idea of painting it with texture paint that would cover all the cracks and imperfections. We had been given 2 big buckets of texture paint Duramax Hessian toro,  It is part bagging slurry part paint and you apply it with a bagging glove.

The colour is Burlap beige

Finger painting haha

We weren't sure at first but when the second coat went on it looked great.

The description on the durmax website said it has the finished look of a spanish villa.

We will continue the whole fence... just had to make sure we had enough to finish the other fence.

Back from Bunnings with some dirt LOL! 

We bought dwarf apple trees which are suppose to be great from small areas or pots

and Korean box 

Below is a close up of the fence

Unfortunately the orange tree had to go as we are putting a spa in its spot and hopefully soon will be putting a pool in :)

Our helper for the day! He worked so hard all day especially digging and helping his dad remove the stump.

What a difference! Opens up the space so much.

Matt continued painting the fence and just to make sure everyone knows I'm not a slave driver!! When I'm not taking pictures I am actually helping out LOL 

It was a race against the rain to get the roof on....... 
happy to say it started raining when the last sheet was going on and it didn't last very long, there was suppose to be a big storm but never came!

This roof is going to be lined with timber v joint (ship lap) and have 3 sky light boxes to let light in.

Before pic 👇

so far.. 👇

to be continued :)

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