Sunday 21 February 2016

Weekend of landscaping

Front yard progress!!

For the last few months now all it seems we do with our weekends (other then cart the kids off to there activities ) is work in the front yard. I do like gardening and working in the yard but I just want it to be over. 
We have had storm water and other pipe issues that needed to be replaced and fixed up, a lot of palms and other hideous plants have been taken out and lots of digging has been done.

My husband has done most of the work, I help out as much as I can but with a bad wrist i don't last long digging but i do make an excellent project manager LOL  
I'm so lucky my husband is such and handy guy.... I really did hit the jackpot ! He knows a lot, is very dedicated and gives everything a go.

This is a before picture of one garden bed, I had already taken out most of the trees and shrubs just had this big pony tail palm to take out . Both garden beds had bush rock boarders that we took out.

We made a new garden bed which we have since taken out as we thought it was too high and boxed the corner in to much.

This is the other side of the front yard. There where 3 huge very over grown palm trees here before.....I couldn't find a picture but I'm sure you can imagine it.

The new Garden bad is going in :) The previous garden bed was just the corner but we have decided to make it boarder the whole fence.

Back to the other side after we took out the new garden bed.

 we are planing on redoing a bed but making it lower with no capping on top

we have a tree !!! YAY

The plan is to make a little hedge along the walls, we are looking at Korean box hedge and maybe little coloured flowers

more updates to come.............

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