Sunday 14 February 2016

valentine's tablescape

Valentines tablescape!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend! I have spent most of the weekend out in the front yard in 30oC heat helping my husband with making new garden beds and moving a lot of dirt!! We're almost finished and i'm so excited, for the last 3 months there has been mounds of dirt and a big digger sitting in the yard and i'm over seeing it! Anyway...... back to valentines day!

I'm not a big fan of the commercial side of valentines day and I don't really need a gift to feel like I'm appreciated, but I do love making the day special for my kids! After all I'm a mum and it's never about me LOL :0

What I normally do is set the table before they wake up in the morning with flowers and love hearts and a card for each of my kids and husband with a little message to make them feel special, but this year because my lovely husband let me sleep in i missed breakfast :(

So .......

While they went out to the shop I quickly pulled out my "nice" dinner set that only gets used when we have friends or family over for dinner when I need all the plates to match  LOL

And decorated the table with my favorite lantern as the centerpiece filled with a candle and love heart chocolates and lady beetle chocolates I found at Aldi. 

I used my red and white napkins to dress it up and they looked really nice!

Each person got a little cup and saucer to collect there chocolates in which the kids loved.

And that's it simple but effective for making dinner special. We ended up using the cups to drink out of because you know it made the kids feel like grown ups...... well so they told me!

Hope everyone else had a nice Valentine's day xx

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