Monday 18 July 2016

Living room rennovations so far....

We have been planing this renovation for quite some time, the windows were leaking and very old, it is always to hot in summer and chilly in winter and because we are building a deck off the side of the house with doors opening out onto the deck all the window have to been changed so suit the new look we are going for!! I'm so excited!

We spent Thursday and Friday taking the bricks down around the bottom of the house and when I say we I mostly mean my husband (he is such a hard worker) I do the light work or run around taking orders from him to help make what he is doing easier :) and that system works well for us!

We found a nice huge nest of giant ants! 

Once all the bricks were gone we had the asbestos people come and safety take away all the old asbestos sheets. 

Now for the demo!! my favorite part.

We did try and take the glass out without breaking it but it wasn't really going to plan...... so we ended up pushing it out and letting it fall and smash!! Kept the kids entertained :)

Yes it's night time and about to rain and we have no side of the house!! Luckily we only had a few drops and it stopped.
We did start a little late in the day but we didn't think it was going to take as long as it did to get the windows out.

New frame work going up.

1 window is finally in!

Both windows in and already it looks so much better.

The next day insulation and sarking goes on.

And we are ready to start cladding.

Next weekend we are planing on putting the french doors in and framing the other side so stay tuned for that :)

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