Wednesday 13 July 2016

School holidays so far....

Well the holidays have been interesting to say the least! Although I've been really sick with the flu I have done something special with the kids nearly everyday.... I'm so tired and feel like I may need a few days to recover when they return to school!! LOL I'm sure alot of mums can relate!

In the first week we went to the movies to watch "Finding Dory" I loved it!! the kids loved it also....If you haven't seen it yet.......go! A great family movie.
After the movies we all went for a walk on the beach to explore!

Of course you can't go to the beach without everyone getting there pictures taken on the cannons!

We then hit the rocks to look for some crabs and shells.

We also went to flip out (trampolines) I wish I took some pictures, the kids love going there. My 2 eldest love trampolines and are doing flips and twists!! So impressive and they are so proud of what they are achieving! 

We also had a day trip to Sydney to go ice skating! 

When we arrived we had a nice walk through Hyde Park...... So pretty and even prettier at night when the lights turn on!

Taking some happy snaps in front of St Mary's cathedral! What a beautiful buiding 

And then Ice skating! 

Evan was a natural! He has only ever roller bladed a hand full of times and he pick it up so easily! Proud Mum moment.

Yes I haven't ice skated in over 15 years and gave it a go.... I did alright I was mainly there to man the penguins and stop the 5 year old from doing a serious injury! Liam did really well for his first time!! they are so cute at this age!! Skating with a half broken foot (a story for another day) and being really sick it was not the easiest thing to do but I got through it.....and feel like I really accomplished something great! Haha

Tayla also did great skating she isn't the dare devil her brother is but she did so well I'm really proud of how great she picked up skating.

Another stroll through the park on our way to the Queen Victoria Building to do a little bit of shopping.

The kids had so much fun walking through the park and it was extra special that their Nana came with us....... 
Why every time I say lets take a picture do they feel the need to pull funny faces!! Does anyone else have the same struggle! I just wanted a nice smiling picture haha well it made us all laugh :)

The day after Sydney I really needed a recovery day so we had a day at home to get on top of all the washing and had a make your own pizza lunch which the kids loved.

We have 6 days left I don't want it to end! Love spending time with these guys!

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