Monday 6 June 2016

Back Splash Refresh!

We were completely rained in on the weekend.... one of the biggest storms we have had this year on the east coast so we spent the weekend fixing up our herringbone marble back splash that desperately needed fixing up.
Our back splash is one of the biggest mistakes I've made to date with our renovations and let me tell you why!

When deciding to go with marble herringbone my husband said that he thought a dark grey grout would look awesome and really make the tile look defined......which it would but I really wanted pure white grout which looks awesome as well and is the look I was envisioning when we picked the tile, but he wasn't convinced so I said lets go with a light grey!!!! BIG MISTAKE THAT WAS!!
I convinced myself I liked it only because it took me so long to tile LOL!
We have been looking at it for a year and a half now and it was just letting the kitchen down and we hated I said to hubby we try and re grout or rip it down and try to save the tile for our new bathroom. 

{before we re grouting we buffed over the tiles to get any dirt or loose stuff off} 

Yes you heard me right re grout!! I found a grout removing tool and started to take some grout took about 2 hours and I'd only done about a 30cm * 60cm section! what was I even thinking! It seriously would take 6 months to get all that old grout out!! Not happening!!
When I grouted the first time and wiped over the grout it left quite a groove so the only other option other then ripping down the tile was to take our chances and try and grout over it with white and see if it would work......if it didn't work it didn't really matter.
So we tried that..... It took a lot of effort not to take too much grout off when wiping the tile down I just let it dry a little and then gently wiped over it and it seemed to work and the grout was flush to the tile like it was supposed to which looked even better. Instantly it looked 100% better we both couldn't believe what a difference.


Above picture is before !! 

Above picture is after!!

Doing the finishing touches....Silicone around the bottom and presto!! 

What a difference..... and these photos don't  really do it justice but in person you can really tell the difference.
Also I went to Aldi can you tell! Tea towel and new pots and pans!! I love shopping at Aldi...makes grocery shopping that little bit more exciting.

Another before (above)

And after (above)

links for all things pretty in my kitchen can be found here {Kitchen Styling}
(except the that fab tea towel only brought it yesterday!!Thats from Aldi :))

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