Tuesday 5 July 2016

DIY Burlap pumpkin

First cut out a rectangle shape.... depending on how big you want your pumpkins to be is what size you cut. I cut a rectangle approx 30cm x 60cm.

Fold in half

Stitch  the 2 raw sides together

Next you'll need a large eye needle.

 Using twine or string which ever you like sew a running stitch around the bottom until you meet up where you started. I started at 1 cm from the edge but as you can see it faze easily so I started again and left about  a 1 inch seam which worked really well. 

Gently gather the bottom and when its nice a gathered  tie a double knot. Turn the the fabric inside itself so the seams are all on the inside (so you can't see them on the outside)

Fill with hobby fill, you can use as little or as much as you like depending of how full you want it to look.

Now do the running stitch at the top leaving approx 1 inch seam. I found it easier to gather and turn in the top as I went around and once you get back to where you started pull as tight as you can and tie a double knot pop the remaining twine in the little hole at the top.

To make the sections cut 6 lengths of twine approx 80cm
Tie 4 around and double knot them, evenly spacing to create sections. You will be left with long bits of twine as pictured.

Now with the remaining 2 lengths of twine evenly thread through where all the knots meet on the top of the pumpkin.

Tightly wrap those 2 lengths of twine around the left over lengths form the sections to create a stem.
When your getting close to running out of twine or you have a long enough stem make a few knots and trim the straggly bits off

and there you go!

I have displayed mine on my table center piece for autumn.

Happy pumpkin making :)

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