Tuesday 2 May 2017

DIY Pom Pom Throw

Happy Wednesday friends! Last week while scrolling through Instagram I came across this beautiful account belonging to Jennifer! @thegracehouse and saw this beautiful throw that I fell in love with instantly. Jennifer has 2 one in cream and the other red which would be great for Christmas time and since I have a major throw addiction I may make another in red.  

These throws are from one of my favourite shops Pottery Barn and they are so beautiful however I just couldn't justify spending $174 on a throw! So being the crafty person that I am I decided to make my own :)

Now my throw is definitely not as nice as Pottery barns but you know I'll appreciate it more because it took so dam long to make these pom poms!

I purchased the faux fur from Spotlight, I would have like more of a brown fur like what you see in the pics however the nicest fur there was grey so I went with that. Using a bowl I traced around making the circle and then cut them out.

I originally made them too big so I just went in with a smaller bowl to trace around and made them a little smaller

And of course my little helper cut them all out for me :)

Making them was fairly simple just very time consuming! I first doubled up the cotton to make it stronger so I could pull tight without snapping the tread.
1st thing was adding the 4 threads on opposite sides (pictured above), I did this so once I did the gather stitch around the edge, tightened it and knotted off I could tie opposite sides together to make for a tighter close and would help attach them later to the blanket.

Once I pulled the gather stitch I used stuffing, I had an old cushion so I just used stuffing out of that which is like hobby fill or you could use cotton balls if you didn't have the fill.

Once gather stitch is tightened I tied the opposite threads together and did a few knots on each so they don't come undone.

14 done! 

I found this white throw at Kmart for $20 

I then snipped off the tassels that were on the throw and used the cotton from the tassel to attach the pom poms.

Using a large eye needle I then went under the threads (the 4 grey opposite threads) with the white thread.

Now attaching! I was using 7 pom poms on each end, so width of your throw divided by 6 will give you your spacing.

Once marked out tie and knot them on, I did about 3 knots on each and also  tied them a row up from the bottom so they don't pull as much on the throw 

Lastly snip off any extra thread :)

Voila! Cost about $30 (insert happy dance here)

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