Sunday 21 May 2017

Making our Picture Frame & Fireplace Progress!

Happy Monday!! Another weekend gone way to quickly, we had a busy weekend framing up our new fireplace and celebrating hubby's 40th Birthday! I had planned a surprise birthday dinner for him and invited a few friends and family without him knowing! He truly was surprised and felt very loved :) 
Today I'm sharing our huge picture frame we made some months ago, it was such an simple project to do and we love it especially the kids!

Happy Birthday to the most hard working person I know!!

The over all frame size is 2100mm * 1050mm
the trim was pine 90mm * 20mm
the MDF board was from Bunnings and it came in sheets of 1200 * 900 (we used 2 sheets).

All we did was router one side of the frame for the mdf sheet to sit in. We did this before we put the frame together. Corners were cut on  45 degree angle and joined using staples and a biscuit joint. 
Next,  putting the sheet in which was cut to size and glued in and stapled all the was around.

The corner pieces I picked to use were going to stick out to much so we ended up cutting the width in half which meant loosing the round piece in the center but it still looks good and hides the join.

The MDF is pre primed  so I just primed the trim and them was ready for paint.

Our trim colour in our house is a Dulux colour "whisper white" but I prefer to use Taubmans paint just a personal preference in a semi gloss finish.

We have screwed it to the wall and then I've patched the holes, sanded and painted over.

I change the pictures all the time and the kids love standing there looking at them all.

We are using the same MDF boarding on the top of our fireplace also!!

Here is my rough sketch 

and what we have done so far....

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