Wednesday 8 February 2017

DIY Valentine Heart Garland

A simple craft project to brighten up your house for Valentines day!
I had this great idea to ask my kids to help me make this garland, I remember doing crepe paper craft when I was little and loved doing it, however after not even doing one heart they had all had enough of scrunching up crepe paper so off they went :( 

I ended up finishing the rest of the hearts and was glad when I stuck that last little ball on! Simple but time consuming!

Firstly make a template 

Trace them out on card stock or I just used empty cereal boxes.
I choose 7 (4 red & 3 pink)

I brought a roll of crepe paper but you can use the folded crepe paper you just have to cut it it strips first.

I cut my strips at about 10cm 

And start scrunching! 

I used PVA craft glue to stick the balls on.

They look so cute 

Next I used twine, you could use ribbon also.

Attach the twine to the back of the hearts, I just used sticky tape and spaced them out evenly. 

To hang the garland I use the command hooks :)

That's it easy peasy! Don't ask your kids to help they won't last long LOL! 

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