Wednesday 19 April 2017

Easter Tablescape!

Easter has been and gone along with all the chocolate eggs..... I feel like I've started to contribute  added to my winter suit! That's why I'm sitting in my kitchen with a freshly made cup of chicken broth to start the health detox!  
We'll see how long this one lasts for haha.

Any way back to the topic of my Eater table setting! It was done somewhere between cooking the roast and vacuuming in a mad rush before everyone came and that's why you can still see the cat gym in the back ground ;)

I kept it nice and simple, my centerpiece  was a new purchase I got from The early settler last week which was on sale! was $80 and I got it for $34!! Winning! Also using my Ikea plants for a pop of colour.

Everyone had speckled eggs on their plates. It looked very cute my kids loved it... a few went missing and had to be replaced. LOL

And that's it 5 mins is all it took.

Room Sources (similar light / Table: Harvey Norman or  similar table / Chairs: Harvey Norman or similar / Mirror: Ikea )

I never take this view because then I'd be in the reflection but Voila! I photo shopped myself out :)

Off to take the kids for a walk/ slash scooter ride! Hoping to share our gallery wall soon!


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